Sunday, March 10, 2013

That SINKing feeling

One day while I was blankly staring at a news reporter on TV almost having a fit screaming 'Bitti Mohanty BITTI MOHANTY BITTI BITTI'...and so on, I had an epiphany. I am a SINK - Single Income No Kids.
Now you might ask how a screaming reporter and bold news tickers running at 20 mph on the top and bottom of the screen got me thinking about my jobless and childless existence. Well, here is an explanation.
This guy Bitti, who raped a tourist and ran away had the complete support of his father. His father went to great lengths to create a new identity for him so that he could live his life free while the entire world and their neighbour's dog searched for him.
I wondered how it felt to be the parent of a criminal. That fellow's father just couldn't accept his son's guilt and his love for his child destroyed his own life.
So from there, I started thinking that he would have been better off without kids. At least he wouldn't have been video-graphed in his bath towel - semi-naked... a clip they are playing again and again on the channels for cheap thrills I suppose.
Then, I thought about all those super-rich DINKs (Double Income...) who go on exotic holidays and pop expensive champagne bottles (even if they can't pronounce the name). Then I had a sinking feeling as realisation hit me. I am one half of a SINK - the jobless half.
Thankfully, we have registered for adoption and our child will be here soon to save us :)

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