Thursday, March 25, 2010

City of the dead

In Hindu mythology it is believed that ancestors who have died take offerings from their living relatives through crows. By those standards Mumbai seems to have too many dead souls hovering about. There is an explosion of crow population in the last few years.

It is extremely saddening to see a large group of crows bullying sparrows, parrots and other little birds. Every morning instead of the soft chirping of birds you are rudely awakened by cawing. Now, I don't grudge crows their space in this all absorbing city, but I wish there weren't so many of them. Every tree I see around (whatever few you spot in the city) is covered with them. They are everywhere - on building tops, swooping down on unsuspecting passers-by, scavenging at garbage piles and even taking free rides on the tops of passing vehicles.

Crows are probably the best suited for city life. As are rats and other pests. We city dwellers create the pollution and waste in which only the most sturdy can survive - humans, crows and rats.

One must not forget the ever amorous pigeons. They are always looking for nooks and crannies to build nests and lay eggs. As soon as the young one is healthy enough to fly, they lay more eggs. Whatever time is left between meals, naps and laying eggs, they spend in the courtship dance and the most irritating cooing rituals. Many an afternoon nap is spoiled because of their incessant gutar gu.


Diwakar Sinha said...

:) afternoon naps spoilt by guttur goos...
i wish there was single piegon in my locality..havent heard a guttur goo in months

The Wanderer said...

Hey Seema ! I read your comment on Aanandi today !!! Thanks for the words of encouragement :) Should you happen to visit Pune anytime, you are most welcome to visit Aanandi. Just drop me a line before you come.

Seema Smile said...

@Diwakar- Seriously, you don't want them pigeons to disturb you when you are lost in dreamland. It's quite irritating.

@Wanderer- Great! I'll definitely let you know if we have a trip planned to Pune or anywhere around. I love what you have managed to achieve there in such a short time :)

A Chrysanthemum by any other name... said...

now u know why some ppl call them pinegons... coz they are always pining for the opposite sex

Seema Smile said...

Haha... Missy Dogra aunty will make sure that they keep their underwears on.... lol!

PS: as a freaky coincidence my word verification is 'dogra'