Monday, April 12, 2010

Prince - the king of all cliches

The most awaited movie of the year, "Prince It's Showtime" released this weekend and Chrys and I watched it last night. Wow, what an experience! (I'm being sarcastic here)
Here is a blow by blow (or should I say shot by shot) account of our harrowing experience (although Chrys thoroughly enjoyed it)

So our hero is this master of disguise and can pull off a jewellery heist in a high security setup. How innovative! You've only seen this before in Snatch, Mission Impossible, Ocean's eleven and twelve and thirteen and a dozen other movies. What you haven't seen probably is that the diamonds are stolen using a powerful vacuum cleaner :O

The title credits show a very paunchy Vivek Oberoi trying to imitate Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt and failing miserably. Oh and like the Iron Man, our hero is also an innovator with a shady lab at his disposal where he generally impales random objects with his arrow shooting wrist-cuff or whatever you may call it. He also does a Minority Report type of scene, randomly moving his hands in the air, thereby operating a hologram type computer.... WOW!

Then suddenly he wakes up one day and has no memory of anything. Bourne Identity anyone?
Taking advantage of his lost memory a lot of skimpily clad girls try to sleep with him claiming to be his girlfriend Maya and then try to kill him (was he so bad in bed?)

The villain makes an entry in a swimming pool with large dogs for company.... gross! Oh wait, the dogs were outside the pool. My bad!
So the white collar criminal proceeds to walk around in expensive suits, blow up expensive airplanes and generally act as a pain the wrong places for people all around. He also has terminator style hand to strangulate anyone (or break open walnuts or coconuts for all I care).

The main hero of this movie is a coin that keeps disappearing. Everyone is after it coz it has some magical chip embedded in it that can alter people's memories. The CBI officer explains that this could have a lot of use in defence... Yeah we can make all Pakistanis forget about Kashmir!

The movie is so random that it is just a sequence of stunts performed by all and sundry (at one point one 'Ramu kaka' type character also turns out to be a bad guy and starts shooting at people). The girls keep appearing out of nowhere... sometimes parasailing, sometimes dancing at sleazy bars, sometimes walking out of steamy showers curtains. Lots and lots of bullets are fired but everyone is a bad shot and no one gets killed (except for the audience).

If you want a truly mind-numbing experience, go watch this film.


Ekta said...

himmat Boss, you guys went for this movie.

Seema Smile said...

Ya! We risked our sanity and peace to watch this one.

The Wanderer said...

:)))))))))) Good review !

But, seriously, you had NOTHING else to do...clean the the dishes...wash smelly socks... nothing absolutely ???

Seema Smile said...

Yeah washing smelly socks would have been a refreshingly better option than watching this movie... alas I missed the chance to do that!

A Chrysanthemum by any other name... said...

boss... u guys dont have an appreciation for art

Flying Machine said...

See, I told you, you would love this movie.

And I agree with Chrys.

Seema Smile said...

@B- next time you are most welcome to accompany Chrys for such movies. I'd rather spend the time washing socks.

A Chrysanthemum by any other name... said...

your life socks!