Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Time out guys!

Whenever I watch a movie or TV series, I notice that in conflict situations, the men start behaving like squabbling little boys going at each others' throats.
For example, there was this old masala movie called 'Kshatriya' being shown on TV yesterday. At the slightest of provocation, people were getting shot. Only the women in the movie seemed reasonable and mature. They vow to stick together and make sensible choices. However all the power was in the hands of the men and finally the death of a woman made one of them see reason or at least promise to see reason.
Why is it that testosterone prevents men from having a civilised dialogue? Even a TV debate turns into a silly name-calling/threatening show. Sometimes I feel like giving all of them a 'Time-out'.
What the world needs today is a voice of reason, the voice of a woman who will be heard, respected and followed. If I could make a wish today, I wish for every single world leader to be female - presidents, prime ministers, diplomats, etc. Else very soon we will all just go: 'Dhishum dhishum, bang bang and Aaaaaaaaa *dead*'

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