Thursday, July 29, 2010

Godot can wait

Facebook is interesting yet a little irritating at times. I posted a comment about my migraine and immediately I received a private message from an ex-colleague. She asked me to have it checked coz someone she knew died of cancer. Apparently it had started with a migraine. This really scared me. I mean I don't want cancer. However some people tend to jump to conclusions without first checking. She could have first asked me if I have seen a doctor about it and then gently put this across. I hardly know this girl. What did she gain by scaring the daylights out of me.

Anyway, I went to Breach Candy today. I told the doctor all symptoms. He asked if I had a cold. I said no. He then asked me to get a simple brain scan done. This set all alarm bells ringing. I had the scan done and waited for the doctor to get the result. I waited almost an hour and while I was waiting I imagined all sorts of things. I imagined that I was going to die of cancer. Worse still I had to shave my head (yeah! I have my priorities right). I mentally made a will of my meagre possessions. I planned on telling Chrys to remarry but not too soon else I might come back to haunt him. And loads of such morbid stuff. Then the doctor called me in and told me that my sinus was blocked on the right side and I need to see an ENT about it.

Phew! I'm not dying.


Anks said...

Wow... she scared u so much? or does this post have the seema touch?

The Wanderer said...

:)))) Tell me about morbid thoughts ... I'm quite the champion in imagining "what's the worst that WILL happen" scenarios !
Migraine-->Cancer is such a far-fetched connection ! Your ex-colleague deserves to be on the Olympic long-jump team :)

Seema Smile said...

@Anks- A lil bit of the Seema touch but she did scare me slightly
@Wanderer- You bet! She could win a medal :)))

A Chrysanthemum by any other name... said...

can i still remarry?

Seema Smile said...

@Chrys- Not for another 60-70 years

Flying Machine said...

How about putting your imagination for better use?